Gifted and Talented Program
Students are only allowed to test once per academic calendar year.
G/T Application & Testing Information for NON-CCISD Kindergarten Students (An application IS required for students NOT enrolled in CCISD).
Application Deadline: Tuesday, October 8, 2024 4:00 pm
Non-CCISD Kindergarten Stage 1 testing: Saturday, October 26, 2024
4321 Prescott St. CC, TX 78416
Arrive by 8:00 am for check-in.
Saturday Testing begins promptly at 8:30 AM.
No late arrivals will be admitted once testing begins.
Testing will be administered online using a Chromebook & mouse.
Due to limited space, only one adult (no siblings) per family is allowed in the waiting area.
Non-CCISD *Stage 2 testing (for those who advance from Stage 1): Saturday, January 18, 2025
4321 Prescott St. CC, TX 78416
Arrive by 8:00 am for check-in.
Saturday Testing begins promptly at 8:30 AM.
No late arrivals will be admitted once testing begins.
Testing will be administered online using a Chromebook & mouse.
Due to limited space, only one adult (no siblings) per family is allowed in the waiting area.
G/T Testing Information for CCISD Kindergarten Students:
24-25 Enrolled CCISD Kindergarten students will be tested at their enrolled campus and do NOT need to apply. Campuses will provide test date notifications.
CCISD Kindergarten Stage 1 testing window: October 21-November 2, 2024 at their enrolled CCISD campus.
CCISD Stage 2 testing window: January 13-28, 2025 at their enrolled CCISD campus.
Campuses will provide test date notifications.
Grades 1-11
G/T Application (Required for both CCISD & Non-CCISD Students in Grades 1-11)
Application Deadline: Tuesday, December 10, 2024 4:00 pm
Non-CCISD testing: Saturday, January 18, 2025
4321 Prescott St. CC, TX 78416
Arrive by 8:00 am for check-in.*
Saturday Testing begins promptly at 8:30 AM.
No late arrivals will be admitted once testing begins.
Testing will be administered online using a Chromebook & mouse.
Due to limited space, only one adult (no siblings) per family is allowed in the waiting area
CCISD Grades 1-11 testing window: January 13-28, 202 at their enrolled CCISD campus. Campuses will provide test date notifications.
G/T Testing Application confirmation & G/T Testing results will be emailed to the email address provided by the parent/ guardian. Please double-check the email address entered on the application. This email address will be used for all communication.
Office of Advanced Academics
801 Leopard Street
Corpus Christi, Texas 78401