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On April 10th, 2024, the Corpus Christi Independent School District proudly hosted the 38th Annual Teacher of the Year Event. This celebration honored the exceptional educators who tirelessly dedicate themselves to shaping the minds and futures of the next generation.

The event, held at Veterans Memorial High School, brought together educators, administrators, and community leaders to recognize the profound impact of teaching. Amidst an atmosphere of admiration and appreciation, the evening featured inspiring speeches, heartfelt testimonials, and well-deserved recognition.

The highlight of the event was the announcement of the Teacher of the Year awards. Maria Alvarado teacher at Zavala Elementary School, was named Elementary Teacher of the Year, and Jane Lee-Rhodes teacher at Kaffie Middle School, was honored as Secondary Teacher of the Year. This prestigious honor serves as a symbol of educational excellence, representing the countless hours of hard work and unwavering commitment demonstrated by these exemplary educators.

As we reflect on this celebration, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all educators for their tireless efforts and unwavering commitment to the noble profession of teaching. Your impact extends far beyond the classroom, shaping the future leaders, innovators, and changemakers of tomorrow.

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